10 Steps for Planting your Truffle Tree

10 Steps for Planting your Truffle Tree

This is not an exhausted list and can differ depending on the site and trees so please do not think this the only way! Just a guideline if you are wondering how to go about successfully planting your truffle trees.

  1. Complete necessary site preparations - see HERE
  2. Pre soak the ground so moist but not saturated (either wait till decent rains or irrigate before planting)
  3. Pre water seedlings in pots before planting. Be careful not to over water as this can be as detrimental to truffle fungus as under watering
  4. Dig a hole at least double the size of the pot the tree is in
  5. Break up any clumps of soil and remove any weeds or roots that may still be present where you are planting
  6. Gently remove the seedling from the pot (this is where I prefer a smaller tree to ensure that the roots have not become bound in the pot and you disturb the roots as little as possible. If root bound you sometimes have to gently and carefully encourage the roots apart and make sure the tap root is not bent back up to the top of the pot).
  7. Hold the tree in the middle of the hole and fill up with soil with the other hand. Firmly press the soil in with your hands so compact but do not use your feet as this makes it too compact and can damage the roots.
  8. We then use a weed mat (Ecocover paper mat or jute mats) with biodegradable pins to prevent weeds growing inside the tree guards
  9. Put on the guards and stake (we use 600x150mm guard with a hardwood stake and in exposed areas then put in 2 sticks on opposite corners to prevent movement in high winds)
  10. Water (either with a pre approved biostimulant/fish product or good old water)
  11. Note: Many people use fertiliser tabs… Please be carful in checking what are in these as many are salt based and can be harmful to the truffle fungus. Though your tree may take off and look healthy what you are mainly concerned with, the roots and truffle infection, can be harmed. planted truffle tree from above

Happy Planting!

Want to plant your own truffle trees? Let me know now as I am picking up nuts ready for germination and infecting trees for autumn 2022 dispatch.

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