Summer Reading

Summer Reading

I find the summer holidays are the perfect time to catch up on all the books and magazines I have been piling up over the last few hectic months before Christmas. Though my holidays seemed to have blurred into a distant memory already, I am still managing to sneak in a few hours here and there with a cup of tea and the latest truffle articles… And of course my favourites are the ones that feature Kings Truffles in the latest issues!

Scroll. A beautiful magazine that you can order through the website in both printed and/or digital versions (I highly recommend the printed version, tactile paper gives the photos even more character and with no advertising it acts as a fantastic coffee table magazine). Created by Meredith Dyer “Scroll is all about telling real food stories. The aim: “To inspire, educate and inform readers and encourage an alternative perspective on our current food systems.” Merideth has an amazing ability with her photography at capturing food, people and animals in a way that makes you feel like you are there, a part of the story being told. Team this with the great way she tells people’s food stories I found this a really refreshing look at some of the exciting things happening in New Zealand food today.

Life Style Block. I must be honest, I had actually never bought one of these magazines until the truffle article was published in the January 2016 issue. Now I am frantically looking back over past issues that have articles online and eagerly waiting for the next issue to come out! A great look into what is possible with a small amount of land, something that is even closer to my heart now that I am developing my very own food farm, complete with truffles of course! But what I also liked is even if you are not a “lifestyle block” owner it is still relevant to you. If you are interested in fresh food and where it comes from, growing your own vegetables, sustainability and environmental issues… then there is something in here for you. The article on truffles, Buried Treasure (January 2016), was an interesting look into truffles being grown in New Zealand and from the perspective of many who are already established in the industry. This is only one of the reasons why you should have this magazine as one of your next Sunday reading companions.

Jax 🙂

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